Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Final Post

So how was my experience abroad? Well that's quite the loaded question, huh....

4 Continents
16 Countries
33 Cities 
1 Indescribable Year

22 flights, 10 train rides, 33 bus trips, and 11 boat expeditions later... the journey has finally come to an end. And what a journey it was....

I knocked off four goals on my bucket list (Visit the Galápagos, Hike the Incan Trail, Take a Tour of Auschwitz in Poland, and Skydive and Ski the Swiss Alps)! I lived alone with an Ecuadorian host family for 5 months and taught impoverished toddlers. I tasted guinea pig, cow intestine, larvae, and almost rooster testicles! I jumped off a bridge for 8 dollars, out of a plane for A LOT more than 8 dollars, and off a cliff in Positano. I relaxed on the beaches in the Galapágos, La Ruta del Sol, Canary Islands, and the Italian Amalfi Coast. I was exposed to 15 languages different than my own and worldwide cultural customs such as putting cheese in your chocolate milk (Ecuador), carrying luggage by donkey (Bolivia), getting demon spirits released from me with a leaf wand (Amazon Rainforest) , wiping your poop butt with your left hand (Morocco: we didn't do this), walking by prostitutes in the red light district (Amsterdam), having to pay for ketchup with your fries (Belgium... ridiculous custom), witnessing humping PDA in the parks (Spain)... the list goes on and on. 

I will keep this final blog short and sweet because not only can these experiences not be accurately portrayed through an online blogging site but also because I am somewhat speechless. I am sure many of you are wondering which semester was better, as I get this question ALL the time. To be completely honest they both had their ups and downs. In terms of cultural immersion and an overall incredible once in a lifetime experience, Ecuador was better. The laid back vibe and the beautiful nature I experienced and saw in South America was definitely more me. From hiking to floating down the Amazon River on a self-made raft to swimming with the sea lions to ziplining and white water rafting to sipping Maracuyá Juice on the most remote beaches on this planet... South America proved to be the chill outdoorsy atmosphere that brings me peace. 

On the other hand, Europe was a more fast-paced, party hard, never stop continental tour.  If you're into sightseeing, history, and going out at least 4 nights a week than Europe is the place for you... Madrid especially. I had the opportunity to see so much while over here from the Alhambra in Granada, Spain to the Berlin Wall  to the Roman Colosseum and statue of David in Florence... I feasted my eyes upon Las Meninas by Velazquez and Guernica by Picasso. I ate couscous in Morocco, paella and gaspacho in Spain, fondue in Switzerland, Heineken in the Netherlands (ha), fish n chips in London, Belgian waffles in Bruges, crepes in Paris, curry-worst in Berlin, goulash in Prague, and amazing pizza and pasta in Italy. The amount I have experienced in such a short span of time is incredible!

Will I ever be able to match this year? Probably not. But I am completely okay with that. This year has taught me to pay extremely close attention to what brings me happiness in life. Over the course of the past 10 months I have experienced various moments of ineffable bliss, a level of joy that engulfs my being and exerts passion in my soul. I have surrounded myself with incredibly motivated, intelligent and passionate people who appreciate my quirky and outgoing spirit. I have found peace in unexpected places and it is my hope that I will continue to seek fulfillment and joy in the right places rather than those which society believes I should. By focussing on those untouchable moments of tranquility... those moments that give life purpose and ignite a flame inside my heart I will find my ultimate success... happiness. On that note, I will leave you with this Barefoot Truth quote and my hope that I will be blogging again from some far away country not too far in the future. Over and out, kids.

"I don't know much about success, but I know how to measure it.
So take a look at your time and how you are spending it...
Two cups of whatever makes you happy, good energy from up above,
Spoonful of patience, a whole lot of humility, mix it up with all of your love..."

1 comment:

  1. Very glad to have read your experiences and so good you write too. :)
