Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Switzerland: Interlaken and Geneva

Before coming to Europe I knew that the number one thing I wanted to do was Skydive and Ski the Swiss Alps. While the Eiffel Tower and Colosseum sound wonderful, I am definitely more interested in being outdoors doing activities. I figure I will sightsee when I am like 50. That being said, I was more than thrilled when I heard there was a group of students going to Switzerland this past weekend. I immediately booked my flight and trip with Bus2Alps which is a company that provides trips to study abroad students. We left on Thursday and got back Monday afternoon.

The flight into Geneva was extremely cheap and I sat with Carolynn and Christine. It was nice to catch up with Carolynn who I haven't seen in forever. The majority of the kids on our trip from Madrid go to SLU, another university, so it was nice to branch out from Complu. We got straight onto the bus in Geneva which was headed for Interlaken. I was exhausted from a full day of traveling so called it a night early.

The next day we all woke up and went skiing in the Swiss Alps!!!! This has been a dream of mine since I was probably 7. Skiing in the Alps was incredible... there are no marked trails like there are in the US and it's basically a free for all. The mountains that towered over us were beautiful and the terrain was challenging. However, it was difficult to keep track of everyone so by the end of the day the group of 10 of us was broken into about 4 groups who couldn't find each other. Jordan and I ended up skiing for about an hour or two through different ski villages and were completely lost. The mountain was called the Jungfrau Ski Region and had regions such as Eigergletscher, Zweilutschinen, and Schynige Platte. Maybe that will help you understand the frustration of trying to navigate the mountain. Overall the day was absolutely wonderful, for lunch I had some creamy pasta with applesauce which was creative and delicious, the conditions were unreal, and I am pretty sure I will never appreciate North Eastern American skiing again in my life.

That night a group of us went out to dinner for cheese fondue! The town of Interlaken is such a quintessential alpine town... it snowed almost every minute of our time there, there were enormous mountains hovering over the entire city, and the pace of life was relaxed and comfortable. The fondue was wonderful (we had ours with bacon) but the walk back to Balmers (our hostel) in the cold was brutal. While I absolutely loved Switzerland there are two main reasons I will never live there (1) the cold and (2) the prices. A whopper at McDonalds was 14 dollars. Not a joke.

The next day we visited a lake next to the town and then got ready for SKYDIVING!! I had been waiting for this moment for what seemed like FOREVER. I figured I will probably only go skydiving twice in my life so why not go over the Swiss Alps, which is regarded as the number one place in the world to jump out of a plane. The view was unreal... absolutely unreal. I wish there was a word stronger than unreal because literally... I could barely breathe not because I was scared but because of what I was seeing as I was falling from 12,000ft in the sky. Carolynn, Christine, Charlie and I all went together but took two separate planes. The plane ride, in my opinion, was scarier than the actual jump. When it was time for me to throw myself off the ledge my instructor was very calm and we just had fun with it. The air was so incredibly cold that my lips turned to rock and my nose definitely had mild frostbite. Hands down though, the coolest thing I have done in a very long time and something I will surely never forget!

The Lake!

Life is Good...

That night we all hung out in the hostel, home to Interlaken's hottest night club, Metro haha. Legit there were so many people in the basement of our hostel in Metro which was actually really nice considering where it was. We cooked dinner together and then played some drinking games the rest of the night. The next morning Charlie, Matt and I explored Interlaken a little more before getting on the bus back to Geneva. When we arrived, after losing Jordan at the airport, we booked a hostel for one night so we could leave our luggage there and searched for food. We found pizza that took about 90 minutes to make and played Make It or Break It in the mean time. It was absolutely hysterical. That night we all went to a huge pub in Geneva and watched the Super Bowl which started at 12:30AM. Needless to say, we stayed up the entire night and having the Giants beat the Pats was the perfect way to end our trip to Switzerland.... that was until our flight got delayed 7 hours and we all had to miss Monday classes... blessing in disguise? I think so.

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