Thursday, February 2, 2012

Pre-Switzerland Reflection

So I have been in Madrid for less than a full week but I find myself packing already to head to Switzerland! We will be staying in Geneva tonight and then taking the train through the Swiss Alps to Interlaken tomorrow morning for the weekend. Apparently it is supposed to be like the extreme sports capital of Europe so I definitely plan on both skiing and skydiving while I am there! I am so nervous to skydive but doing so in the Swiss Alps has been on my bucket list for a while now.

Rather than rambling on about every minute detail of my trip thus far I figured I would pick out about 3 interesting things to write about (maybe not interesting to you but relevant to my time here):

1) Sol is my favorite part of Madrid so far. In the center of Sol there are hundreds of street performers... well, I am not sure I would call them performers. Minus the magician who successfully made a cigarette disappear in my cashmere Scottish scarf (scary moment), most of these "performers" are still life actors (Jesus, and a lot of shiny glittery people), characters such as Spongebob, Mario, Jack Sparrow, Overweight Spiderman (fact), etc, or some creepy other entertainment such as decapitated heads, tinsel bodied goat heads, etc. The list could go on and on but those in the last category "miscellaneous" are too difficult to describe in words. I will provide pictures soon!

2) I will easily begin to lose weight here soon, if I haven't already. This is a good thing after Quito, Ecuador where you would think I would have lost weight... but the opposite happened lol. Food here is a weird thing because they barely eat anything for breakfast, for lunch we are at the university or in the dorms and I usually eat salad and some vegetables or a side dish of some sort. Dinner is basically the same thing as lunch but is served at 9PM which I think is absurd, but hey, it's the culture here so I won't fight it. However, Americans like to snack, something that Spaniards don't understand. So, I have been snacking on my own on YOGURT. Yes, yogurt. Who am I? Anyone who knows me knows I can eat more than most full grown men. So, this will be interesting. Hopefully by the end of the trip I will still be alive.

3) Last night we went out for Kyle's 21st Birthday!!! It's been really great having Kyle here because we have been best friends since Freshman Year and it's awesome to have someone that close with you to share such an incredible experience with. We went out to Club Orange which isn't too far from the dorms so we were able to walk home. The club was a lot of fun, not too big and not too crowded so it was manageable. I had a lot of fun with all of the BC people and it was great too to talk to a lot of internationals from Brazil, Austria, Argentina, etc. However, there was this CREEPY CREEPY dude (well more than one.. but this one was the worst) who would not leave me alone. He wanted to dance, I didn't. He still wanted to dance, I still didn't. His solution: Grab my face and just go for it... thankfully my catlike reflexes inhibited any silliness to occur but for the rest of the night he kept whispering "mi amor", "mi bonita", etc in my ear and every time I scanned the dance floor his eyes were glued to me. I don't say this to give myself a big head, trust me, guys here will look at anyone that way.... just trying to reinforce how aggressive the men are here. I find it disrespectful and pathetic. But, at least he provided me with a good story.

I will write again after Switzerland because I am sure I will have SO MUCH to tell you all about!

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