Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Netherlands: Amsterdam

I can say with confidence that Amsterdam was definitely one of my top 3 European cities on my check-list and I feared I would not be able to go. That all changed when Chuckie Wide Stance (Charlie, for you simpletons) expressed a similar interest and Kevin (SLU) hopped on board. I have a knack for partying before weekend flights which ultimately results in some sort of disaster. This time it was cutting my flight way too close and having to pay for a cab to the airport... thanks for nothing, Cien, Orange, and Pacha. Most people think of weed when they hear the word Amsterdam... that or prostitutes, of course. Well, you're preconceived notions are spot on as the place was absolutely infested with the two. Upon arriving to our hostel we were greeted with an overwhelming stench of weed. "Don't worry", said the desk attendant on duty, "I just finished smoking my joint... Welcome to Amsterdam!" That night we had dinner at the Old Quarter which serves traditional Dutch food... which meant potato dishes... mmmmm.

After dinner we went the the Sexmuseum... why not? It was actually kinda weird... right when you walked through the door there was a mannequin man doing what was supposed to be a moan but sounded more like he was being stabbed with a trident through the heart. There were also strange chastity belts from the old ages, some black man with a 13 inch penis, and an exhibit on people who enjoy being peed on...? Just don't ask questions. Afterwards we visited the Red Light District which is exactly what you would imagine it to be... a lot of girls in red glass doors under red lights poking at the glass at men... wearing nothing but tiny little itty bikinis. I will say though, no homo, the girls (minus the fatties and trannies) are really attractive. Some of them have legit the nicest bodies I have ever seen... but, then again, it's their job to.

That night we returned the coffee shop in our hostel and had legit the best loaded nachos and brownies and ice cream I have ever eaten in my entire life... not a joke. It was heaven in my mouth. First impressions of Amsterdam in five words: weed, sex, friendly, bikes, canals.

On Friday morning we woke up early and went to the Anne Frank house, the house her and her family were hiding in when they were discovered by Dutch Nazi officials during the Holocaust. Having read the book it was a surreal experience to be able to stand in her room and see the details in person of what she described. I can't wait to see the Auschwitz concentration camp in Poland in a few weeks.

Anne Frank's Bookshelf

Afterwards we did a three hour walking tour of Amsterdam which, I know, sounds typical Jessie and nerdy but it was super informative and definitely one of the highlights of the trip. Amsterdam is a fascinating city and I learned so much about it. For instance, there are more than 10,000 heroin addicts in Amsterdam alone. The city itself is a huge contradiction. There are churches right next to the red light districts and coffee shops. We visited a restaurant that was once a public autopsy house which stood next to a square where prisoners would have their chest ripped open, their ribs spread apart, their heart taken out of their chest and thrown in their face, and ultimately they would be decapitated after watching the entire process. They would then place the head on poles looking out towards the sea to intimidate all the visitors.

Another interesting fact: during the winter of 1945 there was an untimely climate change and during a huge hunger scare temperatures dropped. Houses and trees were taken down and burned for warmth and supplies were limited due to Nazi control. People resorted to eating tulips and cats. If you look closely, all of the trees in the city are about the same height because they were all replanted at the same time. In addition, the street that Rembrandt lived on was redesigned by a group of college students during the LSG era in Amsterdam so this one street is vibrantly colorful and does not fit in with the architecture around the rest of the city.

Another fun fact: if you do not have a cat in your restaurant or hostel it is not considered a good hostel. This is because Amsterdam was built on swampland and has a mice problem. Places with cats do not have this issue. Another fun fact: smoking weed in Amsterdam is actually completely ILLEGAL. Cops, however, have chosen to overlook any selling or smoking of weed in their attempt to crack down on harder drugs (no pun intended).

Typical Coffee Shop

Another fun fact: When Napoleon's brother was in power in Amsterdam he put put a census to see who he was ruling. People in The Netherlands had never had last names before so they thought it was a joke. To get back at the new ruler they made their last names (translated) things like little-poo, suck-a-lot, and born naked. Well, the names stuck and many residents of Amsterdam have last names that are absolutely absurd. ALSO, most of the houses in Amsterdam are slanted because they are built on swamps. Lastly, 20,000-25,000 bikes are taken out of the canals of Amsterdam each year because drunk people pull pranks on their friends or enemies and throw them in the canals during the night.

After the tour we went to the I amsterdam famous sign for a little photo shoot and then to the Van Gogh Museum. I am not one for art but this museum was magical. There was musical accompaniment with the works and well, it was just a wonderful experience. To top off day 2 we went to a live sex show (sorry family members who are reading). YOLO- you only live once. I won't describe what I saw in that theatre but I will write some keywords and you can use your imagination: banana, candle, cigar, pole...

And lastly, fake boobies are GROSS. I had never seen them before... they look like aliens.

The last day was JAM PACKED ALSO! We went to the Nemo Science Museum in the morning which was interactive and really cool. However, in true Amsterdam style, there was a sex floor and puberty exhibit that showed kids how to french kiss and how to pop their pimples... oh, and who can forget the ejaculation video with the cartoon chick bouncing her boobs up and down. Like really, Amsterdam? This continues to baffle me.

We continued the day with a wonderful lunch and beer sampler in a windmill and then a tour to the Heineken Brewery. Some pictures below...

Heineken Brewery

Other weird things about Amsterdam: there is food in the vending machines, the world's first condom shop, etc. After a Thai dinner we met some Brits and shortly after Charlie got a drink thrown at his face by a fat hispanic prostitute who came out of her window. True Story. Lastly, when leaving the airport we saw this message scrolling on a screen: "Stupid people shouldn't breed. Survival of the fittest. Animals and men included". Typical Amsterdam departure message.

Córdoba y Granada, España

I apologize for I realize that I have not written in a while. I have been super busy with going-out, traveling, and enjoying the beautiful Madrid weather (tough life, I know). Two weekends ago the BC group traveled to the south of Spain to Córdoba and Granada. The night before we thought it would be a lovely idea to go to Joy until 4:00AM. Needless to say, the majority of us did not sleep at all and a good percentage were still inebriated when our alarms went off (myself not included, of course). When the alarms sounded, chaos ensued (I can speak for Covarubias). People had to pack other peoples bags because they couldn't get out of bed, while others inconveniently sat for a full breakfast unaware that we were most likely not making the bus. Words will never be able to accurately portray the scene that Friday morning as the 8 Covarubias Gringos hobbled down the sidewalk in a frenzy to find a taxi. I was feeding people salami (whose porcelin plate ultimately ended up in a bush) during the mad dash. Ultimately we made it to the terminal on time and I am pretty sure that within 5 minutes all of us had fallen asleep on the bus.

Our first stop was Córdoba for the day. We visited a beautiful mosque, walked around the town, and ate awesome tapas. I could have done without the guided tour because with 40 students it's kind of difficult to not only pay attention but also to hear. Córdoba was pretty but it boggles me how it was the center of the Islamic population during their occupancy. It seemed a little... unimpressionable?

El Grupo en Córdoba, España
Córdoba, España

The next stop on our journey where we remained for the rest of the trip was Granada. Granada is known to be one of the most beautiful cities in Madrid and it was easy to understand why. We arrived Friday night and shortly after went for tapas and sangria at Bella y la Bestia. I got to see Natalia both nights I was in Granada which was awesome. The tapas and drinks in Granada were so much cheaper and the city seems more quiet, especially up where Natalia lives. We didn't have a late night because we knew the next day would be super busy.

Saturday we visited La Alhambra, one of the most famous places in Spain. For those who do not know, the Alhambra is a castle/fortress built in the mid 14th century by the Moors. The details within the Alhambra are absolutely beautiful and we were lucky enough to have a sunny day! Walking around the Alhambra with my friends and enjoying the scenery was incredible. Later that day we went to the bath houses... a completely different type of experience than that in Morocco. These looked like they were in a 4 star hotel. The bath house was rented out just for the 40 of us, there were about 8 pools all with different temperatures, tea in a separate room, massages, and to top it all off, it was lit with candlelight. It was absolutely beautiful and relaxing.

Cova-Cis en la Alhambra 


That night after an exquisite Indian meal everyone went to an Irish bar and then to Cambodio, a club that overlooks the Alhambra as it's lit at night. The club was cool because there was the traditional salsa section and then the hip-hop modern section. There was also an outside patio where you could sit in front of the Alhambra. I got to spend more time with Natalia this night and I am so glad! It's strange to see old friends after such a long time but it's as if no time has passed with those that you care about the most. The Andalucia region of Spain was beautiful and completely different from Madrid. I am excited to hopefully spend some time after finals traveling around Spain more!

Granada, España